Put me on the fuckin’ board! That’s what Tyler’s screaming when he makes another sale at work, climbing his way up to winning that Hawaiian cruise. His co-worker Sara Jessie is inning for the trip, too, but she her hatred for her job keeps her from putting in the effort to make enough sales. BUT she has another plan – one that involves smothering Tyler with her big tits and flaunting her ass in his face, not to mention offering him a hot office fuck in return for, well, the cruise! And who can turn down a smoking-hot blonde who’s DTF on the job? Exactly – nobody. A sweaty fuck later and Sarah’s already got thoughts of getting lei’d on a boat in the big blue ocean!
Name: NaughtyAmerica - NaughtyOffice presents Sarah Jessie 24371 - 22.07.2018
Video: MP4, SD, 640x360
Time: 00:39:03
Size: 342 MB
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