Please read before requesting clips from others blogs\boards:

  1. Use search on our site to check if we already have this clip or not. If we have this clip but TezFiles link is dead - request reuploading under this clip in the comment section. Note: we can reupload TezFiles links only! 3 reup requests per day please!
  2. Check download link on blogs\boards is it active or dead.
  3. What filehostings you can request: K2S, TezFiles, FileBoom, RapidGator, Hitfile, Hotlink, 4shared, Dfiles, Katfile, Filefactory

200 Replies to “Happy New Year!”

    1. Hello, I just added all IWC clips that you requested. MV will be latter 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I just added clip that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  1. Purchased Premium,
    Can i get these 3 to start with, and the other 7 at a later date, thanks


    1. Hello, I just added all IWC clips that you requested. MV will be latter 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I just added 5 clips that you requested and 5 will be tomorrow 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I can see you bought PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account, thanks! 🙂

      Will add clips in few days.

      Yes correct, you can send 4 latter 🙂

    2. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  2. Hi,
    I’ve just purchased the 90 Premium Gold Membership, but I would like to save my 10 requests for later.
    Thanks, Happy Holiday
    10 left

    1. Hello, I can see you bought PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account, thanks! 🙂

      Yes, sure, send them when ready 🙂

      Merry Christmas And Happy New Year!

    2. Hello, I just added 2 clips that you requested, 10 clips left 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  3. Hello Seducer,
    I have extended my account, so here are my clip requests, many thanks!

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  4. Hello,
    I’ve just purchased the 90 Premium Gold Membership.
    Here are my 10 requests.
    Thanks, Happy Holiday…

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  5. Hey, I just bought 90 days on Tezfiles! Here are my 10 clips:

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  6. If we have a currently active account will the new purchase start after those days finish as with previous K2S deals? Also, can I carry over my remaining clip credits into new period? (I still have 6 credits from current subscription period. I haven’t selected anything yet as I’ve been too busy & need to fet new computer in new year. Relying on my smartphone at moment!.).

    1. Everything is for you 🙂

      90 days will be added to your current subscription.
      You can send clips when ready. You will have 16 credits. Don`t forget to write that you have 16 credits when you send first clips.

  7. Hi, I added 90 days to my account:

    Thank you.

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  8. Hello Seducer,

    I already bought the 90 days gold premium, I would like these for now:




    Thank you very much
    Best Regards

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    2. Hello Seducer,

      I wrote a comment but it did not appear, so I thought maybe I should reply here
      I would like for now please





      thank you so much


      1. Hello, I can see you bought PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account, thanks! 🙂

        Will add clips in few days.

        We aprove all comments manually. Because too many spam.

      2. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested, OF will be latter 🙂

        Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  9. Dear sir,miss

    I want to purchase gold premium for 90 Days and use your offer of 10 Videos.
    I have two questions:
    1-I should buy it from whatever reseller or a certain one?
    2-When I ask fr the 10 videos, I should write them all together or could write 1 video a day for example?

    Thank you very much for your perfect service.


  10. I already bought the 90 days, I like these for now:
    thx and have a nice holidays

    1. Hello, I just added 4 clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  11. good morning, thank you for the service you offer.
    I am writing to you because I have made a subscription with tezfiles which will expire in a few days , I wanted to know if to be entitled to your promotional offer it is enough to extend the duration of the subscription, or if I need to create another account. thank you in advance, have a nice day

  12. Hello, I just extended my subscription. Thank you.

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

    1. Hello, I just added all clips that you requested 🙂

      Thanks again for purchasing PornoVideosHub TezFiles Premium account!

  13. Hello,

    I recently bought 90 days to receive 6 clips (5 remaining). If I buy another 90 days, will I get access to an additional 10 clips?


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