Synopsis: Cute Francys Belle and her beau, Nick Ross, are having fun together in the countryside as “Simply Life” unfolds, flirting and enjoying each other’s company. As their passion rises they go indoors, giggly Francys getting naked and tempting Nick to join her on the bed. They kiss avidly, Francys sliding her hand into Nick’s underwear to stroke his stiffening cock, then taking it in her mouth to suck. She teases the head with her flickering tongue, looking into Nick’s eyes to drive him wild, then bobbing her head to take it deeper and deeper. Nick flips the gorgeous Brazilian brunette onto her back and eats her shaved pussy skillfully, caressing her perfect breasts with their diamond-hard nipples. When she’s utterly aroused, he slides his rigid cock into her; she holds her legs high and wide so he can slam in deep. Francys straddles Nick and rides him cowgirl, grinding with slow intensity at first, then bouncing rapidly until her orgasm sweeps through her. They move into spoons, Nick screwing Francys vigorously, their flesh slapping loudly as he drives into her. As they race towards orgasm, Francys rides cowgirl again, cumming even harder as Nick spurts his load deep inside her.
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Name: SexArt presents Francys Belle in Simply Life - 26.07.2017
Video: MP4, HD, 1280x720
Time: 00:19:36
Size: 575 MB
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Movie category: Teens
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