Only 13 hour left to Get 6 Exclusive clips instead of 3! :)


Be sure to purchase correctly so we get our %!

Rule №1 (The Most Important):
First step is to download .txt file below and ONLY after this make a purchase. Only in this case we can buy clips for you.
(Click slow speed download and wait for 30 seconds)
Movie category: Uncategorized

Please read before requesting clips from others blogs\boards:

  1. Use search on our site to check if we already have this clip or not. If we have this clip but TezFiles link is dead - request reuploading under this clip in the comment section. Note: we can reupload TezFiles links only! 3 reup requests per day please!
  2. Check download link on blogs\boards is it active or dead.
  3. What filehostings you can request: K2S, TezFiles, FileBoom, RapidGator, Hitfile, Hotlink, 4shared, Dfiles, Katfile, Filefactory

71 Replies to “Only 13 hour left to Get 6 Exclusive clips instead of 3! :)”

    1. Hello, sure you will get 6 clips. Be sure to follow the instruction: 1) download txt file 2) buy premium. Don`t open any other files before purchase.

      1. That’s great. Just waiting to download the instruction.txt file so I can get the premium account. Does it matter if it’s premium or premium pro or is either fine?

  1. Hi,
    Sorry to be a pain I just wanted to clear things up

    Is this offer still good, I live in the UK?

    I have a Live account, Can I still use this?
    Account type: Premium Pro
    Premium expires: 2021.02.04 – 20 days

    I only ask as when you go to the page to download the file because I already have an account the only way to buy another 3 months is to click the big orange premium button at the top of the page. By doing this it takes you to a new page = Our best features for you, then you can click the buy premium PRO

    Will it still work if I do it this way?

    Thank you for your time 🙂

    1. Hello,

      1) 3 hours left.
      2) Sure, you will get +90 days to your 20 days = 110 days
      3) Just follow the instruction. Close everything, download instruction.txt, make a purchase, thats it 🙂

      1. Thank you for getting back to me so fast 🙂

        I just wanted to make sure by clicking the button at the top and going to a new page it would work 🙂

        So thanks again for clearing that up for me 🙂

        I will do it in a min

  2. Is this live right now? I want to make a 3 month premium purchase right now. Will I be able to get a hold on this black Friday deal?

  3. I signed up for the 90 day plan on the 3rd last month and got the 3 movies I requested . Does the Black Friday deal apply to me for 3 more movies?

  4. If I have a membership now will this add to it? So if mine runs out in February will I be extended for 90 days after February?

    1. Can you please add more Tara Tainton? My k2s plan is expired. But if there is more Tara’s videos, I’ll renew using your aff link.

    1. and i currenlty have premium pro, for another 15 days, if i follow the instructions etc, it will still be counting right? if i buy a new 90 days

  5. Is this still live? I bought a 3 month at 4:03 EST, how long before I get a response? And can I buy multiple 3-month purchases?

  6. Is the offer still available? It’s Thursday (just after 1:00 AM) where I am (Not sure of your time zone.).

  7. i already purchased 1 year k2s premium account before downloading the instruction.txt. is there a way to check if you got the commission from my purchase still?

  8. Really interested but what about clips in a bundle, if we request only one of those clips but you might have to purchase a bundle, does it still counts as only of requested clip ?

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