Be sure to purchase correctly so we get our %!
Rule №1 (The Most Important):
First step is to download .txt file below and ONLY after this make a purchase. Only in this case we can buy clips for you.
(Click slow speed download and wait for 30 seconds) Movie category: Uncategorized
i can’t get in to download the text file its says the file no longer
Working fine. What link doesn`t work for you?
Hi, I’ve already download the txt and activate my premium k2s for one month.
So, what’s next ?
I also already send an email like the instruction.txt ask
Cool, read reply there please.
Already answer on there too seducer, thankyou
Offer still available?
Sure, 7 hours left
Hi subscription expire if i purchase again do i get 6 vids if i buy 3 months plan
Hello, sure you will get 6 clips. Be sure to follow the instruction: 1) download txt file 2) buy premium. Don`t open any other files before purchase.
Is this still available or did the offer expire?
Can a request be private?
As you wish 🙂
is it also valid for one month only?
1 month = 2 clips?
For 3 months only.
What time GMT does this end? I would love to get in on this!
You can do it. I`ll wait for your email.
I bought a premium account and I’ve sent you the email with the links. Hopefully you received it 🙂
Hi, check your mail.
sorry to ask, but is this still valid?
Hi, 7 hours has left
Is this offer still live?
Hi, 7 hours has left 🙂
That’s great. Just waiting to download the instruction.txt file so I can get the premium account. Does it matter if it’s premium or premium pro or is either fine?
Both are ok 🙂
Done 🙂 Sent you my list of clips as well 🙂 Hopefully it all went through smoothly 😛
Sorry to be a pain I just wanted to clear things up
Is this offer still good, I live in the UK?
I have a Live account, Can I still use this?
Account type: Premium Pro
Premium expires: 2021.02.04 – 20 days
I only ask as when you go to the page to download the file because I already have an account the only way to buy another 3 months is to click the big orange premium button at the top of the page. By doing this it takes you to a new page = Our best features for you, then you can click the buy premium PRO
Will it still work if I do it this way?
Thank you for your time 🙂
1) 3 hours left.
2) Sure, you will get +90 days to your 20 days = 110 days
3) Just follow the instruction. Close everything, download instruction.txt, make a purchase, thats it 🙂
Thank you for getting back to me so fast 🙂
I just wanted to make sure by clicking the button at the top and going to a new page it would work 🙂
So thanks again for clearing that up for me 🙂
I will do it in a min
Does the K2S account have to be premium or premium pro, or either is ok?
both are ok.
Is this live right now? I want to make a 3 month premium purchase right now. Will I be able to get a hold on this black Friday deal?
Of course, why not? Be sure to follow the instruction.
Unsure if this is still live.
I signed up for the 90 day plan on the 3rd last month and got the 3 movies I requested . Does the Black Friday deal apply to me for 3 more movies?
It was available for those who bought yesterday (January 1)
If I have a membership now will this add to it? So if mine runs out in February will I be extended for 90 days after February?
Of course my friend.
Can you please add more Tara Tainton? My k2s plan is expired. But if there is more Tara’s videos, I’ll renew using your aff link.
is this avaible today? untill 2nd january GMT?
and, do i have to request all videos instantly, or can i split it up over some time?
You can request when you are ready. But send us email after purchase with details!
and i currenlty have premium pro, for another 15 days, if i follow the instructions etc, it will still be counting right? if i buy a new 90 days
Yes, sure.
It is available for 3 hours.
Hello! Is this live right now on Jan first? If I were to buy a years worth, would that mean 24 videos?
Promo offer is for 90 day premium accounts only.
Is this still live? I bought a 3 month at 4:03 EST, how long before I get a response? And can I buy multiple 3-month purchases?
Now it is over. Yes, you can buy as many as you like 😉
Is this still available?
Of course it is available. Only 10 hours left…
Can I request for example 2 clips now and 4 clips in January?
As you wish 🙂
How many clips for 30 days Premium purchase?
Download instruction please to find out how to buy correctly.
1 month premium = 1 clip
Is the offer still available? It’s Thursday (just after 1:00 AM) where I am (Not sure of your time zone.).
It will be running for 2 days! ~40 hours left 😉
Will this work if I already have a k2s premium sub? Currently will expire on the 19th.
Hello, Of course it will work! You `ll get 19.11+90 days.
Be sure to follow the instruction 🙂
Is this promotion still available?
4 hours left
i already purchased 1 year k2s premium account before downloading the instruction.txt. is there a way to check if you got the commission from my purchase still?
Yes, send me an email please.
Really interested but what about clips in a bundle, if we request only one of those clips but you might have to purchase a bundle, does it still counts as only of requested clip ?
You can request 6 clips at once or 1 by 1. Whatever you like 🙂
Alright thank you will do
Is this still promo still available?
Yes, 1:40 is left 🙂
Do I have to request all 6 clips at once or can I request them one at a time?
As you wish 🙂